Year of realization : 2015
Wood used : Pear tree
Dimensions : Width 170 cms / Height 165 cms (without the frame)
Symbolic representation of a rural world today disappeared.
Numerous lands of wheat colored the landscape, the aligned fruit trees lined the plots of land. They permitted the production of a very appreciated cider.
The plant of tobacco is there to remind that very often the cultivation of tobacco was a not insignificant source of income. He permitted numerous small farmers to survive.
The children were always associated to the works of fields: haymaking period, various harvests and also that of tobacco.
The old plow (Brabant) with working animals ; horses are represented to pay tribute to draft animals about which we speak little. They however had a key role in the same way as men and women who transmitted intact the landscape that they shaped.
The actors of the scene observe in the background the urbanization.
"A generation that loses the memory deprives the one who succeeds it of a fragment of its history".
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