Year of realization : 2014
Wood used : Lime tree
Dimensions : Width 130 cms / Height 140 cms (without the frame)
Memory of adolescence, a visit of La Chapelle-d’Angillon and its museum, the particular landscape, the atmosphere that emerges of this place made it possible to realize this board which is also a tribute to the missing persons of the Great War.
The character in the foreground symbolizes this sentence written by Alain-Fournier: "I came back in my region, the one that we only see by moving the branches aside" (« Je suis revenu dans mon pays, celui qu'on ne voit qu'en écartant les branches...»).
We could destine it in the shape of advice to every person who would immerse himself into the novel "Meaulnes The Great".
The bas-relief was exposed from October 18th until November 15th 2014 in the City Hall of Albens as part of the exhibition "To remember together" dedicated to the population of the canton of Albens during the Great War and organized by "the Kronos Association". Click here to visualize numerous photos of the exhibition.
Two websites to be consulted concerning "Meaulnes The Great" :
http://www.association-jacques-riviere-alain-fournier.com/ (in French)
Access to the photo album dedicated to this work by clicking here.